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Showing posts from August, 2020

The Beginning of a New Season

Schools are getting ready to start back up and we must be ready to meet the students wherever they are - online or on their campuses! Personal Updates: As some of you may already know after tuning in to watch the licensing ceremony, I'm officially a licensed minister for FOCUS now! I was surprised (the day of) to be included in the ceremony, as I'm primarily doing administrative tasks, but I was honored to be there beside all of the faithful servants who are (re)committing the next year, or years, of their lives to changing our campuses. It was during that ceremony that my spirit was struck by excitement for the year to come and thankfulness that y'all have partnered with me in ministry this year. If you're interested in what this ceremony looks like, you can find it here . A minor note, I have an expander in my mouth now! For those of you who aren't familiar, it's an 'appliance' that rests in the top of your mouth which expands your palate. This is in p...