Should my blog post titles reflect the last month.. or the month to come? It would make sense for it to correspond to the last month, the one that I'm writing about. But at the same time, I also like writing about the present and the future. So here we are. I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (whether socially distanced, quarantined, or celebrated like any other year) that helped you take this year into perspective. Despite the current mess we're in, there is still so much to be thankful for! Family, friends, jobs, marriages and babies. Loves, likes, the clothes we wear, and shelter from the weather. The list can go on! I encourage you to comment with something that you've been thinking of recently that you're thankful for! Personal Updates: I started pre-engagement counseling with my girlfriend, Stephanie! Pre-engagement counseling consists of working through a 10 lesson 'course' with a couple that has been married for at least 5 years in our churc...
As the administrator for FOCUS, I have the special privilege of assisting all of our campuses. Keep returning to this page for news each month! Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.