I attended UTD's end-of-year party because I heard that there would be a flash mob for Brandon (the party landed on Brandon's actual birthday). Don't tell anyone I got it for you... but you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Q7eRcecoM On our first day of SICM (Sunday), they had us join the end of their first service so that their congregation could pray over us, our safety and learning. What a sweet congregation! Their church really reminds me of the congregation at Northeast Garland, people who have really invested in a shared vision - in their case, it's to support and train ministers around the world. If you see the little posters on the back wall, they had posters lining around their whole sanctuary of missionaries that their body supports around the world. On one of the sightseeing days in Seattle, a group of us took the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge. On the ferry, you depart from downtown Seattle across Elliot Bay, and get a grand view of the ...
As the administrator for FOCUS, I have the special privilege of assisting all of our campuses. Keep returning to this page for news each month! Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.