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Showing posts from June, 2023

June 2023

Summer FOCUS is still going strong! Each week, around 300 students come from the four corners of DFW (like Denton and Arlington) to praise and worship God and learn to be more like Jesus in community. If you haven't had a chance to visit yet, there's still time! We meet on Thursdays at 7:30 in Richardson. Let me know if you want to visit! Our sermon series is about how knowing and following God compels us to not live in weakness, but to boldly proclaim how God's power is made perfect in our weakness. Give this sermon by Adriana, one of our pastors at Collin College, a listen! It's titled, Fear to Boldness. Click here to listen to Adriana's sermon. Something that we encourage over the summer, because we do not organize formal small groups, is for students to get together in groups of 3-4 and grow in their faith together in a more intimate setting. These were formally called PACCS, which stood for Prayer, Adoration.. something or other. This year, we're naming it ...

May 2023

Hello all! As we finally put a close to the last school year with the end of May, I want to thank you all again for taking the time to read my updates, praying over our ministry, and for partnering with me financially! God has been faithful this past year and I'm excited for the next one! This month, we took around 100 students up to Bellingham, Washington to attend SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry)! Thank you for praying for our students that attended! If you're new or missed my previous updates, SICM is a week-long conference for students to learn more about spiritual friendship, how to lead a bible study, and sooo much more. It's often described as drinking from a fire hydrant; there's just so much to learn and you can only absorb so much in the moment. But that's what note taking is for! The students on the trip go from being names on a spreadsheet, into a person with a name and a face, and then they turn into real people when I finally get to meet the...