ANOTHER school year has begun! And y'all are still here with me. Praise God for His faithfulness and for your willingness to partner with what he is doing here in the DFW area. Little did I know when I first accepted the job to be an administrator for FOCUS that I would still be here going into my fourth year. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We have ten new apprentices this year spread out through our different campuses. The apprentices commit to ten months (mirroring the school year) of being campus ministers with the goal of learning what it is like to live out this vocation full time and seeing if God is calling them to this profession over a longer period of time. As you can see from the photo, we have nine girls and one guy ! If you remember from my blog posts in my first year, the apprentice classes take a lot of time on top of your ministry work—to re-lay a good foundation over topics like the Old Testament, New Testament, Holy Spirit, and more! What a blessed (but also gr...
As the administrator for FOCUS, I have the special privilege of assisting all of our campuses. Keep returning to this page for news each month! Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.