Welcome back to another installment of pictures with Paul! Where I show you the best (and worst) pictures I took this past month and maybe explain it enough that you won't judge me. Announcement: We are having Showcase '21 on April 3rd starting at 6:30 pm! This year will be totally online and you can access the stream at anyfocus.org/showcase. The show is pay-what-you-can: all donations are welcome and will benefit the training of our student leaders! Put it on your calendars and join us! Deep Dive (large group) at Northeast Church on Friday nights. Kylie talked about the idol of beauty (right after I got my braces to make myself look better ðŸ˜). You can watch this sermon and more on our YouTube page by clicking here ! I met up with Dayo, one of the student leaders at Richland College, to cook some Korean BBQ outside the church. Though, the planning wasn't quite there because the temperature was about 40 degrees and the meat cooked veeeeeeeeeery slowly. Video chatting with...
As the administrator for FOCUS, I have the special privilege of assisting all of our campuses. Keep returning to this page for news each month! Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.