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One Winter Storm Later...

Welcome back to another installment of pictures with Paul! Where I show you the best (and worst) pictures I took this past month and maybe explain it enough that you won't judge me.

Announcement: We are having Showcase '21 on April 3rd starting at 6:30 pm! This year will be totally online and you can access the stream at The show is pay-what-you-can: all donations are welcome and will benefit the training of our student leaders! Put it on your calendars and join us!

Deep Dive (large group) at Northeast Church on Friday nights. Kylie talked about the idol of beauty (right after I got my braces to make myself look better 😭). You can watch this sermon and more on our YouTube page by clicking here!

I met up with Dayo, one of the student leaders at Richland College, to cook some Korean BBQ outside the church. Though, the planning wasn't quite there because the temperature was about 40 degrees and the meat cooked veeeeeeeeeery slowly.

Video chatting with my siblings! My sisters live in California, my brother lives a couple minutes away from me, and one of my cousins lives in Japan — it's hard to find a time that works for all of us due to the time difference.

The theme this year (as I'm sure you're all aware of) is online video chatting. After our first session of New Testament class in person, we've basically been relegated to online class due to exposure risks. What can you do?

I took this picture a couple nights before the storm hit.. I thought it was cute that it was snowing so lightly. Oh how the turn tables...

Also right before the storm hit, I proposed to Stephanie! (And she said yes.) This was the only picture that we took that night as I rushed out the door to hang out with my brother.

Me and my brother watched a play called, Murder's in the Heir, which is a whodunnit play in which the audience votes during intermission on who they believe committed the murder. The second half then plays out according to the popular vote!

One of the first days of the snow — when it was fun and cool. This was the view out one of the windows into the backyard.

Eventually, my house lost power (for several days) and so I had to go over to Stephanie's to work (she still had power and water). I found this cup which made me look like I had giant hands.

Because our stove and fridge wouldn't work due to the power outage, I brought some ingredients to the church to cook in their kitchen (some leftovers from the Korean BBQ session with Dayo).

After life went back to normal, my good friends Joseph and Sarah had a baby shower for their baby-to-be, Eli! It was through Zoom and they had some fun games to play — bingo, The Price is Right with baby products (I'm horrible at this game), and guessing how many m&m's fit in a certain container (I'm also horrible at this game).

A pipe burst in the ceiling above the kitchen and a plumber was able to come out to resolve this quicker than expected. Unfortunately, quicker than expected still took about a week; but during that time we had a lot of friends in the area that allowed us to use their water, their shower, their bathroom, etc. You don't realize how good you got it until the water and power goes out! It took 4 tries to find the pipe that was leaking the water... but because of the holes, we were able to put some traps in the ceiling which has caught 2 rodents so far.. so, if it's not one thing, it's another. But that's home ownership, right?

Me and Dayo decided to try Korean BBQ again, this time the sun was out and it was hotter than expected. It turned out great and the meat cooked in a few minutes rather than a few hours.

This is a video I took while the power was out and I was sleeping at the house. I woke up that morning to the cool temperature of 36 degrees inside. Just a little fun video about how memory foam behaves in freezing temperatures.

This video I took during winter storm #2 (which only brought thunderstorms). Just a small clip of the lightning and the crackling thunder.


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