There is a long back story to this picture. Maybe you remember from my April post of last year . It was Summer 2020, right after crawfish season. I was hanging out with my then roommate, Jacob Davis, and I was talking about having a crawfish boil. Unfortunately it was right after crawfish season, so we had to plan it for the year after. Well, the crawfish boil came and went (and it was so good!) We still had this huge pot and were wondering what we could do with it... the closer we came to Thanksgiving, the more gifs and stories we saw of people burning down their homes while trying to deep fry a turkey. So naturally.. we wanted to try it for ourselves. Unfortunately this is one of the only pictures I took of the night. In the end, it took about 2 hours longer than we thought, but the turkey was (no joke) the best turkey I've had so far in my life and nobody was injured. Who knows what else we'll cook in the pot?! FOCUS has an end-of-year Christmas dinner to celebrate the fir...
As the administrator for FOCUS, I have the special privilege of assisting all of our campuses. Keep returning to this page for news each month! Opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.