There is a long back story to this picture. Maybe you remember from my April post of last year. It was Summer 2020, right after crawfish season. I was hanging out with my then roommate, Jacob Davis, and I was talking about having a crawfish boil. Unfortunately it was right after crawfish season, so we had to plan it for the year after. Well, the crawfish boil came and went (and it was so good!) We still had this huge pot and were wondering what we could do with it... the closer we came to Thanksgiving, the more gifs and stories we saw of people burning down their homes while trying to deep fry a turkey. So naturally.. we wanted to try it for ourselves. Unfortunately this is one of the only pictures I took of the night. In the end, it took about 2 hours longer than we thought, but the turkey was (no joke) the best turkey I've had so far in my life and nobody was injured. Who knows what else we'll cook in the pot?!
FOCUS has an end-of-year Christmas dinner to celebrate the first semester and send our staff on break with encouragements. Here are some of our campus pastors cheesin' in front of the Christmas tree. (Although Andrea looks to be more queasy and cheesy.)
Peter got a game called 'Herd Mentality' for Christmas. The premise of the game is that each round, the announcer draws a card and the card has a question. Each person writes down their answer to the question and when your answers are revealed, you want to be a part of the herd; you want your answer to match what other people say. If you're in the (largest) majority, you get a point! First to a certain number of points wins. One card that was drawn asked, 'What is the largest fruit you can fit in your mouth?' and Peter answered, 'grapefruit.' I just so happened to have a grapefruit at home so when I went home that day, I snapped this picture to show.. it's just not possible.
Here's a ridiculous picture of me with the youngest Lorenz child.
Every year, me and some friends from when I worked at Fossil go to see the Deerfield lights. Thankfully the weather was so much more temperate than it has been in past years so we could walk comfortably around the neighborhood. Each time we passed this house (which I'm sure they did the best they could), we would chuckle and think to ourselves that the person who put the lights up couldn't bother to use a ladder as all of the lights on the yard were drooping lower than a limbo bar.
For church in December, FOCUS led all of the services for Advent and we rearranged the auditorium to change it up. I thought it was pretty neat and refreshing way to be engaged in this special season.
These ladies are prepping for UTD's Christmas party. I think a lot of the behind-the-scenes action can get lost in the glamour of the actual party, so I wanted to capture them in their almost, but not yet state.
This is me and Steph at Holiday in the Park at Six Flags in Arlington. To be honest, a little more underwhelming than I thought it would be... but I think I compare a lot of things to Disneyland or Disney World, which is a tough cookie to be compared to.
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