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August 2024

My sister got engaged! Angela (in the floral dress) got engaged to David (blue polo) and my older sister and her family flew in to surprise her at the engagement party. Peek our denim dress code, or at least half of us got the memo. :-)

Here is (most of) our staff team for the 2024-2025 school year (plus a couple babies)! What a blessing it was to spend time with them. Please be praying for our team as we join in with what God is doing on our campuses! (If you would like to pray for our campuses individually, we are at: UTD, UNT, TWU, NCTC, TWU-Dallas, Dallas College Richland Campus, SMU, UTA, TCC - NE, TCU, Collin College - Plano, McKinney, Frisco, and Wylie).

We had a cultural-wear appreciation day at church this past month! Really, I just wanted to see other people wear cool clothes and have an excuse to do so, so I texted a bunch of people to wear clothes from their own culture or a culture that they appreciated.

Obligatory picture of Steph! It is her birthday on September 3rd! What a blessing it is to have someone who has partnered alongside me in ministry and life. This was taken at a good friend's baby shower; in fact, this friend, Ryan Reynolds (not the Ryan Reynolds) was my co-leader when I led a small group for FOCUS in the fall of 2017. How time flies!



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