Hey y'all,
Still trying to figure out this blog stuff out. I'm not sure what y'all want to see, but maybe just pictures and captions would be engaging! So I'm going to throw out the photos that I took last month with some context for you and hopefully that gives you an insight of what my life is like! For those of you that know me well.. you'll know that this is probably more my style. π
We started New Testament class which will last through the semester. The textbook is maybe one of the biggest books I've seen, more like an encyclopedia. But we're currently learning about reading the New Testament through the lens of the culture of the time (by learning about the culture of the time).
This is a picture I snapped of Hopdoddy (#notsponsored) at Village On The Parkway. Not that I ate there or anything.. but I saw a movie at the AMC across the street. A lot of people ask me, "Paul, you're still watching movies?" To that I reply, yes! Typically when I go see a movie, I'm the only one in the movie theater! I saw News of the World, a movie with Tom Hanks about the late 1800s.
Here's a picture I snapped late at night after I got my braces. I'll have them for the next year and a half! π
We had teams of staff people come in to stuff envelopes with tax receipts and annual reports! If you did not receive a tax receipt yet and would like one, please let me know! If you would like to take a look at our annual report online, you can find it here.
These are Turtle Chips that you can find at an Asian grocery store! If you're looking for a new snack to try out, I would recommend trying these! They're called turtle chips because the chip is layered and looks like a turtle shell. The flavors are not traditional (with regards to American chips), more sweet, but still very yum.
Here are my roommates at one of our roommate nights (that we have weekly). It's easy to think that when you live with someone, that you'll spend time with them! But experience shows that roommates actually spend some of the least time together, if you're not intentional about it. So we meet up every week to clean the house, talk about what's been going on in our lives, and play some games! The game in the picture is Betrayal at House on the Hill.
Sunday morning church in the chilly parking lot! It's been such a blessing to be able to see people come out on less-than-ideal days to be in community.
Isn't this the most precious (and saddest) dog you've ever seen in your life? She was moping because no one was petting her or letting her sit in their lap. π
Here's a slo-mo video I took at Ultimate Frisbee. We play every Sunday near UTD so that students can come and hang out!
That's all I have for you this month! Thanks for reading. :-)
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