My roommate, Jacob (pictured next to me), had his 22nd birthday on March 4th! His momma had some big signage placed in our front yard to scream to our neighbors that we had a birthday boy in our midst!
My good friends Emily and Clint (and his brother Clay) leading praise and worship on Sunday morning. (Also featuring Stephen in the back manning the soundboard.)
Volunteering at the COVID Vaccine Drive-Thru at Fair Park! I was part of 'observation,' where you made sure people filtered into an orderly line to be monitored for 15 minutes after getting the vaccine to ensure that they're okay to drive again.
Me, Brandon, and Joey took a road trip to NE Oklahoma to check out a camp to use for SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry) this summer. Unfortunately we did not move forwards with this camp, but I took a picture with a stuffed buffalo at a gas station along the way!
Me and Kylie got our first vaccination at the same time! After volunteering there for a day and a half (15 hours), I was eligible to be vaccinated! At this point, I've gotten both of my vaccination shots already. Praise God! Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of COVID...
Camp Eagle down near San Antonio. This is the camp we chose to move forwards with for SICM. It's incredibly beautiful and will actually be my first time at SICM. I'm so excited 1. to attend for the first time and 2. to even be able to offer this to our students! Last year's SICM trip had to be canceled, but this year we will be bringing a record number of students!
The San Antonio River Walk. It was my first time in San Antonio and it is a beautiful city! Though I'm thankful to live in Dallas.
This was also taken at the River Walk at night.
There were two majestic bald eagles at the San Antonio zoo. A little log cabin in the back and a small American flag waving made for a good photo.
On Easter Sunday, our church had a petting zoo! This is me and my kid.
During the filming of the illusionist for Showcase, we found a bird in the church. We thought it might be his bird for an act, but quickly realized that a rogue bird had just flown into the church and gotten trapped in a room! We tired it out and were able to capture it to release it outside.
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