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It's the End of the Year As We Know It


My good friend Tony was surveying the rooftop at our house to check for holes that rats might have chewed through the wall to get into our attic and ceiling. He works for Tactical Pest Services. It was pretty scary being on the roof. I definitely felt like I could've fell off at any moment.

It may seem small, but I enjoy organizing the fridge at the church so I took a picture. Ignore the mayonnaise, it's not for drinking.

We had a half-day retreat (sabbath) where some of the campus ministers went up to Eisenhower State Park and meditated over some scripture and worship. I took the time to rest and recharge as the second semester has been a much busier workload compared to the first. Don't be fooled by the notebook, there aren't very many notes in there.

I went to Six Flags with some friends and rode the Sidewinder twice. It's the best ratio of (fun + hilariousness) / wait time. Pictured are Andrea and Meg.

Amy and Buddy got married at Northeast after our Sunday service! I've gotten to know them a little through working with JaM (Jesus and Me), the children's ministry at Northeast. Here is my poor quality, very zoomed in picture to capture their moment at the altar.

I picked up some rollerblades to learn how to skate and be a little more active. Zoë (pictured on the right) found a place with a nice rink for street hockey that we could use to skate around, The Edge At Allen Station Park. You can spy Jalen in the back on his skateboard.

This is one of my favorite photos. I went to visit Joseph and Sarah and their newborn, Eli. He was the cutest and quietest baby I've ever seen. (Seriously, ever.)

I went to go take some blue bonnet pictures with my friend John and his parents. I've actually never seen blue bonnets before and I (still) have no idea why they're so special. But I thought I'd take a picture anyways. (Don't tell his momma that I said that.)

Here is John at Top Golf at the end of his swing. (Look at that form.) His parents came in to celebrate his birthday (5/3), his graduation, and that he got a job for when he graduates! They were also in town to take pictures with the blue bonnets specifically.

A precious dog photo — this is Moose, Kylie's dog. I had to take a picture because he was calm and sweet (as opposed to his naturally cat-like tendencies to avoid human touch and affection). No offense to cats, but I'm allergic and not a fan.

I went to SMU to listen to my roommate, Jacob, preach again. Afterwards, they had a local singer/songwriter, MARGO, perform an intimate concert for their students. She seriously has such a good voice and is able to play the guitar so well!

Last summer, I told my roommate Jacob that I had never been to a crawfish boil before, but they seemed like so much fun! He told me that every Easter his family does a crawfish boil and that we could try to plan one for next year. Well next year came and we threw a crawfish boil/cook out for some of our close friends, most of whom are fully vaccinated. It was a blast (it was my and many others' first times eating crawfish) and such a sweet memory. Many thanks to his mom for helping pay for the crawfish for us! 

Remember when I said that Joseph and Sarah's baby was the cutest baby I'd ever seen? Well my older sister had her first child a few weeks ago and she's not as cute. (Sorry, not sorry.) Also don't tell anyone I said that.


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