One of my all-time favorite foods are dumplings. One of my little sister's best friends moved to Texas recently and celebrated her birthday, so I thought that it was a good time to make some familiar food. Also another set of hands putting the dumplings together doesn't hurt.
It's hard to see in this photo, but one of my good friends, Zoƫ, got engaged! That sentence makes it seem like you should be able to see them in this photo, but you're not crazy. The photo is actually of the lights that me and her momma, JoAnn, put up in her backyard! They looked so good and it took us so long, but unfortunately the rain was scheduled for right when the engagement party was scheduled. But it was still such a great time with great food!
I'm starting to try to have a once-a-month game night to bring people together, especially in these summer months when people are scattered to the four winds. It's been such a fun time, meeting a bunch of people that I may never have gotten to meet or interact with and playing games with them!
I got some time with some of my good friends, Joseph and Sarah. Of course, I didn't take a photo of them or their little one, but I did snap this picture of their dog. Woof woof.
This is April! She is our newest administrator and has been a joy to work with (so far). As you can tell from the photo, she loves to laugh and brings upbeat energy to the office! Please pray for her and our team as our admin team undergoes big transitions this summer. I snapped this photo on her first week as we were waiting for the rest of the admin team to meet us for lunch.
Our church had their annual children's camp out in Oklahoma, called JaM (Jesus and Me) Camp. It's always a special time getting to see these kids love God and learn about whatever the JaM team came up with. This year, they went over all of the Beatitudes — it's crazy how well they come up with lessons to teach the kids these hard lessons. And it's amazing just how much these kids understand what's going on.
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