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Trailers Used to Run After the Movie

 That's why they're called TRAILERS! This is a fun fact.

It's still so new, so you get another once-a-month game night photo. :-) Last month I brought Guitar Hero and it was a hit. Possibly in large part because it's been so long since people have played. If you ever have the itch to play, let me know!

Again, these photos are all out of order. But I got to attend my good friend's wedding last month! I snagged one photo from the wedding and this was it. I met him in 7th grade and the rest, as they say, is history. He was a skater boy, I said see you later boy... or something like that. We actually went to colleges in different states, so we naturally grew apart. But I was so thrilled to be invited and get to celebrate the vows that he and his wife exchanged. I got to also catch up with some old high school friends. 10/10 wedding.

Every year, Brandon and Peter put together a trip to Colorado for a bunch of guys to go out of state, spend some time together, and hike the beautiful trails. I'm not much of a hiker, but I enjoy playing tabletop games and bonding with the guys! Pictured is one (of many) games of Mysterium — a fun co-op game where one player gives picture clues to the other six to point them to suspects, places of interest, and murder weapons. (A little like a co-op game of Clue).

On one of the hikes, there was a beautiful small forest of (potentially) aspen trees. If you are arboreally inclined and these are not aspen trees, let me know.

My siblings and I planned a trip to New York 2 years ago to watch a French musical called Notre Dame De Paris which originally came out in 1998. We all took French in high school and were introduced to the musical. The musical was making its New York debut, but due to the current pandemic, the debut was pushed back 2 years. At the time, I thought to myself 2 years was a lifetime, but it finally happened! In 2 years, me and my brother both got married, and so we were able to bring our wives. The musical was ah-mazing and seeing it in person was magical.

My older sister really wanted to spot a celebrity in New York and heard that celebrities frequented a restaurant called Carbone. Unfortunately, this meant that getting a reservation (especially for 8) was extremely hard to come by. The only time we could get a reservation was at 11:30 pm! We didn't spot a celebrity, but the food was so good — I wrote down the recipe to try to copy it sometime.

We visited The Met and I took a picture of this exhibit titled An Anthology of Fashion which was mostly historical or period pieces (e.g. Washington's coat) and then this weird room of fencing shiny mannequins. Enjoy.

This is my friend, Jason! We were able to reconnect at my friend's wedding in California where I learned that he had just moved to NYC — which was exactly where I was heading right after the wedding. We planned to meet up in New York and got a meal together and walked around Lower Manhattan (Chinatown).

I finally got to meet my niece for the first time! She's already a year and a half old and all of my efforts to visit were thwarted due to the pandemic. She's so sweet and independent. She couldn't care less if her parents were near her or not, she's going to do what she wants to do.


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